| Guest Room |
延年洋湖公园酒店拥有158间设计时尚、装修大气的全景纯湿地生态景观客房。客房启用全智能房控系统,刷脸入住,让您尊享一份智慧旅居生活。 |
Yannian Yanghu Park
Hotel has 158 rooms with panoramic pure wetland ecological landscape
with fashionable design and atmospheric decoration. All intelligent
room control system is enabled in the guest room to brush your
face and check in, so that you can enjoy a smart sojourn life. |
客房价目表 Room
房间类型 Room Type
门市价 Rate(RMB)
酬宾价 Best
available rate
商务大床房 | 双床房 |
行政双床房 |
行政景观大床房/双床房 |
睿选景观大床房 |
家庭景观大床房 |
棋韵大床房 |
臻选景观大床房 |
景观套房 |
The above room rates are inclusive delicate breakfast buffet
and subject to change without prior notice. |
Standard Amenities
国内长途电话 |
DDD telephone |
国际长途电话 |
IDD telephone |
中央空调 |
Entral Air-conditioning |
数字卫星电视 |
Satellite Television |
24小时热水 |
24 hours hot water |
独立淋浴间 |
Independent shower |
多规格电源插座 |
Socket with different
specifications |
迷你吧/小冰箱 |
Mini bar/refrigerator |
客房保险箱 |
In-room save |
可无线上网的公共区域 |
Public area with free
wi-fi |
免费停车场 |
Free parking |
行李服务 |
Luggage Service |
贵重物品寄存 |
Valuables storage |
叫醒服务 |
Wake-up Service |
洗衣服务 |
Laundry service |
商务中心票务服务 |
Business/tickets center |
全天送餐服务 |
Room service |
| Catering |
酒店餐厅以淮扬菜、湘菜、粤菜为主。淮扬菜系是淮安、扬州、镇江三地风味菜的总称,是中国四大古典菜系之一。淮扬菜在选料上非常讲究,善烹河鲜江鲜、制作精细、注重刀功和火候、口味清淡。本酒店特聘国家级淮扬菜系团队和湘点大师何华山,留住您舌尖上的美好记忆,让之相映生辉! |
Yanxiang restaurant is located on the third floor of
the hotel and consists of 8 luxury boxes and 1 full-time restaurant.
Yanxiang restaurant advocates the concept of healthy, fresh and nutritious
food, and produces a large number of nutritious food cooked with healthy
seasonal ingredients, returning to the origin of simple and pure cuisine.
The most authentic ingredients from all over the world are combined
with modern creative Western cooking concept on the basis of traditional
cooking techniques to provide you with catering delicacies with international
level and local characteristics, and give you a diversified and comfortable
dining experience. The restaurant has elegant environment, light luxury
style, extraordinary bearing, perfect integration of privacy and openness,
so as to "warm your heart and stomach".
The restaurant of the hotel mainly serves Huaiyang cuisine, Hunan
cuisine and Guangdong cuisine. Huaiyang cuisine is the general name
of flavor dishes in Huai'an, Yangzhou and Zhenjiang. It is one of
the four classical cuisines in China. Huaiyang cuisine is very particular
about the selection of materials. It is good at cooking River fresh
food, fine production, paying attention to knife skill and heat, and
light taste. The hotel specially employs national Huaiyang cuisine
team and Hunan point master he Huashan to retain the beautiful memory
on your tongue and make it shine! |
| Hotel lobby bar |
于宁静的环境中,品味茶的甘甜与咖啡的芳香,简洁时尚的装修风格,给人舒适、惬意的氛围。在这里可以享受造型精致的茶点,花色繁多的咖啡及茶。更有品质上乘、悠然惬意的下午茶来放松您的身心,是您和朋友小酌、畅饮的完美场所。开放的视野、高雅的格调及各式饮品小吃,慵懒的午后,约上三五好友,洋湖湿地美景尽收眼底,和美好和惬意不期而遇。 |
Huixiang Hong Kong-style tea restaurant provides
delicious food throughout the day. It can also taste authentic Hong Kong
food without going to Hong Kong. Hong Kong-style authentic curry, beef curry,
brand milk tea... neon signs, black and white floor tiles, screens... are
restored one by one in space, without any sense of distance. Like a popular
market, from morning till night, there is a lively atmosphere of fireworks
in Hong Kong. After eating quickly, a casual look up, the natural light
of the patio sprinkled on his face, as if he had seen the city light of
a long-time expert. |
| Conference Room |
酒店会议室可提供20—400人不同规模的会议接待,拥有40平方LED高清电子屏、进口音响和舞台灯光设备,以及专业的会议接待团队和便捷的一站式会务布展服务,是您各类会议接待的成功保障。 |
The lobby bar is located on the second
floor of the hotel.
In a quiet environment, you can taste the sweetness of tea and the
aroma of coffee, and the simple and fashionable decoration style gives
you a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. Here you can enjoy exquisite
refreshments, coffee and tea of various colors. More high-quality,
leisurely and comfortable afternoon tea to relax your body and mind.
It is a perfect place for you and your friends to have a drink. Open
vision, elegant style and all kinds of drinks and snacks, lazy afternoon,
about three or five friends, have a panoramic view of the beauty of
Yanghu wetland, and meet with beauty and comfort. |